Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bringing you up to speed...

So, lets catch you up on my life...

In May, I graduated from Elon University with a degree in business! Hooray! But man... what an awful time to graduate. I was terrified with the uncertain and unsteady economy.

I moved back home with my "parents and pets;" I got a job with a solar energy company. I was so happy to have a job, I bought a car! Then on Halloween I moved to Baltimore. I figured I'm young, I'm single, and really don't have too many responsibilities yet... Its a perfect time to dabble in yuppie-hood. For those of you that don't know... Yuppie stands for "Young Urban Professional."

We'll see where my adventures take me...

1 comment:

  1. April,
    This is great!! You are my favorite YUPPIE of all times!! KISS KISS
